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Smiling Teacher

Apprentice Program

Thank you so much for your interest in Training in the Art of Permanent Cosmetics with Defining Beauty. Wendy Villalpando, is our resident Master Trainer and has been performing PMU for over 9 years. Over the course of her career, she has managed to attend, and host the best trainers in the world on various styles and techniques in PMU. This has given her the opportunity to learn and apply these techniques and bring them to Sacramento! Our Apprenticeship is designed for a beginner just entering in the industry of tattooing, or a new artist looking to expand their knowledge in new techniques. This course will give you the basic knowledge and skills to perform Eyebrow, Lips, and Eyeliner Tattooing. This course will also meet the SPCP industry guidelines for an accredited Permanent Cosmetics certification. You will gain confidence with a longer session with hands-on learning.

Course Details

SERVICES: During your training at Defining Beauty we intend to cover the following curriculum over the 12-week period. Some items may be asked to be performed outside of working hours such as Bloodbourne Pathogens with the intent that you will give your “best effort” to retain and apply your learnings.


Tattoo Machine will be included along with a beginner kit. (pigments excluded)

● Accredited certificate of completion


Upon completion of this course you will understand:

SPCP PMU Textbook and Workbook

● Color theory

● Brow shaping for the different face shapes

● How to properly identify the correct machine and technique for each client

● Setting expectations with the clients

● Forms & paperwork

● Determining pigments for different skin types

● Before & Aftercare

● Registration with the county to perform Permanent Cosmetics

● Certificate of completion

● One year of continued support


LENGTH: 12 Weeks (2 days/week) 192 Hours

COST: $9,800

DATE: To Be Announced


COMPENSATION: Apprentices will have the opportunity to schedule live models at a reduced price during the training period. Apprentices will have the opportunity to be compensated a flat 15% of the cost of the procedure. This applies ONLY for paying models.


SCHEDULE: The schedule for our apprentice program is hands-on learning two days per week, for a 12-week duration. Wednesday’s are mandatory, and you may select your additional day. Your additional day may not be changed, unless discussed and approved by management.

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