For the first 7 days, CLEAN 2-4 TIMES DAILY as instructed:
Gently apply 2 pumps of Blue Green Foam Soap (*water for eyeliner*), and remove with a soft and clean paper towel or gauze. Let air dry.
Apply a very thin layer of Aquatat ointment (*natural, moisturizing lip balm for lips*). DO NOT OVERSATURATE, as this will affect proper healing.
You may apply ice, in a paper towel or sandwich bag, for the first 2 days.
(10 minutes on, and 45 minutes off for the first 3-4 hours on Day 1)
Avoid the gym, sauna, sweating, chlorine, and prolonged sun exposure.
Change your pillow case the first 2 nights.
Avoid blood thinners such as: alcoholic beverages, aspirin, Vitamin E, and Fish oil, as these affect healing.
Avoid wearing makeup on the tattooed area, until healed.
Brows will peel. DO NOT PICK OR PEEL, as this will result in color loss or scarring.
After the first week:
Color will begin to look softer.
(You may fill in brows at this time, as they may “disappear” for a few weeks)
Use sunscreen, to protect your brows.
Keep/ book your touch-up appointment!
Signs and symptoms of infection including, but not limited to, redness, swelling, tenderness, and oozing/ drainage at the procedure site, as well as elevated temperature, indicate the need to seek medical care.
Please Note;
Healing varies per client. The original color will soften 30-40% (or more). The touchup appointment is where we perfect any areas that did not retain as much pigment. Touch-ups are CRITICAL, not optional!
No creams, makeup or mascara, or any other products on the treated area for 5 days.
Apply a sparse layer of organic coconut oil/grape seed oil/aquaphor with a clean finger or q-tip several times a day to keep liner moist. DO NOT let eyeliner dry out or scab.
NO Saline eyewash maybe used until eyes are completely healed. It will remove pigment.
Following the procedure, the area may be puffy for the first few mornings. A few options that may help/speed up healing are as follows: ice eyes often especially before bed and first thing in the morning, sleep somewhat propped up on your back, and avoid food high in sodium while the eyeliner heals.
Clean contacts can be worn 72 hours after the procedure.
Days 1-2 Morning & Night
Place ice packs in a clean sandwich bag or paper towel and apply to lips 10 minutes on/45 minutes off for 3-4 hours.
(Optional Day 2): Rinse with lukewarm water and blot dry with a soft paper towel or gauze.
Days 3-4 Morning & Night
Cleanse with Blue Green Foam Soap by massaging it onto the affected area for 30 seconds.
Apply Lip Healing Balm after each cleanse. Massage balm into affected area (If your lips are extremely dry, you may use Aquaphor ointment as well.)
Use alcohol free toothpaste and mouthwash.
Avoid hot beverages and drink all beverages through a straw. Avoid spicy, acidic, salty, and colored foods.
Do not let animals lick or brush up against the area.
Keep in mind that the area will be swollen for up to 3 days post-procedure and the color will be very bright/dark for the next few days.
Days 5-7 Morning & Night
Continue to cleanse with Blue Green Foam Soap and apply Lip Healing Balm after each cleanse.
You may use regular toothpaste and mouthwash at this time.
You may introduce the use of sunscreen (or Chapstick with SPF) after Day 10.
Do not expect perfection after the initial procedure. Minor adjustments may be made during the touchup and are normal.
Do not rub or scratch the skin with your fingers or makeup brushes.
Avoid wearing clothes that could scratch the affected area.
Avoid sweating on Day 1 (no sauna, swimming, or exercise).
LIP TATTOO REMOVALS: Smoking is not allowed until 30 minutes after your tattoo removal session.
Do not apply any foundation, powder, hydrating creams, sunscreen, etc. to the affected area for at least ONE WEEK.
Clean the affected area with water and natural soap/baby soap as needed.
The Scarcare or Aftercare gel may be purchased. Apply it over the affected area every night following your procedure as follows:
-BODY TATTOO REMOVAL: apply 3 times per day for 1 week
-COSMETIC TATTOO REMOVAL: apply 2-3 times per day for 1 week
The treatment area can be re-pigmented after a good recovery period of at least 3 months for cosmetic tattoo removal, and up to 6 months for body tattoo removal. However, the skin recovery process will vary from person to person.
If any unexpected problems arise during the healing process, even after you have followed all of the aftercare instructions, please contact a doctor.
You can return for another tattoo removal session every 2 weeks.
For the first week CLEAN 3-4 TIMES DAILY as instructed:
We will apply tegaderm film after your procedure. Leave this on for a few hours or until after you shower.
Remove film slowly and begin the cleaning process: Gently apply 2 pumps of the Blue Green Foam Soap and remove with a soft and clean paper towel or gauze (let air dry)
Apply a very thin layer of Aquatat ointment, DO NOT OVER SATURATE, as this will affect proper healing.
Create a barrier with tegaderm OR gauze to cover the area and the ointment.
Repeat this process for the next 5-7 days.
You may apply ice, in a paper towel or sandwich bag for the first two days (10 min on and 45 min off for the first 3-4 hours on DAY 1)
Avoid gym, sauna, sweating, chlorine, baths, or long showers.
Avoid blood thinner such as: alcoholic bverages, asprin, vitamin E, and fish oil, as these affect healing
After the first week:
Color will begin to look softer
Keep/rebook your touch up appointment
Here are some additional tips for 3D areola medical tattoo aftercare:
Don't use harsh soaps or lotions. Stick to gentle, fragrance-free products.
Don't shave the tattooed area! Shaving can irritate the skin and increase your risk of infection.
See your doctor if you experience any signs of infection. Signs and symptoms of infection might include, but not limited to, redness, swelling, tenderness, and oozing/drainage at the procedure site, as well as well as elevated temperature, indicate the need to seek medical care
If you have any questions about 3D areola medical tattoo aftercare, be sure to ask
**Healing varies per client. The original color will soften 30-40% (or more). The touch-up appointment is where we perfect any areas that did not retain as much pigment. touch-ups are CRITICAL not optional**
Density/Filler SMP Aftercare Instructions
Day 1- 4 After your treatment session Avoid:
Touching, showering, or applying hair product to scalp
Absolutely NO dry shampoo
Carrying out any activities that may cause excessive sweating (5-7 days)
Using shampoo
Direct sunlight (Sun exposure is ok, long periods of exposure is not)
Swimming, sauna, or the steam room (14 days)
NOTE: If hair needs to be styles (ie: work/event) wet a comb before brushing, do not wet the scalp
Day 4 After your treatment resume: -
Wash your head gently with cold water and gentle soap (Paraben and sulfate free)
Resume using daily product as needed
NOTE: Wait 2 full weeks before having hair dyed and at least one week before your next session -
Signs and symptoms of infection:
SWELLING: A slight amount of swelling is typical for a fresh tattoo. If swelling becomes excessive,uncomfortable and you feel the pain radiating beyond the site of the tattoo, then this is a sign of infection.
FEVER: Fever is a symptom of an underlying condition, which is most often an infection. Please contact a medical provider if you think you may have a possible infection.